Land of Fire: Divine forces flowing to the sea in crystal rivers between lava rocks and deep lakes, invisible to mortals and to the envious Moon; theatre of magnificence for the Deities that reign the Earth, battlefield for the splendour of the God who rules the waves: infinite clash for the power of beauty.
Romano Pisciotti
Terra del fuoco: Divine forze scorrono al mare in fiumi di cristallo tra rocce di lava e laghi profondi, invisibili ai mortali e alla Luna invidiosa; teatro della magnificenza per le Divinità che regnano la Terra, campo di battaglia per lo splendore del Dio che regna le onde: infinita battaglia per il potere della bellezza.
Romano Pisciotti
To build, renovate, decorate and furnish
INFO IN NIGERIA: Romano Pisciotti, mail to italmotor@gmail.com
Cold Compaund: Following the distillation of cereals, we proceed with the cold infusion, with different timing, of the botanists. At the end of the process, these come next
assembled according to a recipe that is the result of sixty-seven infusion tests.
Handcrafted in small quantities and without additives in Santa Venerina, at the foot of the Etna volcano, in the oldest Sicilian distillery of Mastro Mariano.
Antichi Vinai wines are born from the secrets and passion for the vine.
For four generations the Gangemi family has been dedicated to viticulture and to the enhancement of Sicilian indigenous vines, especially Etna. In one hundred years of work in the vineyards on the slopes of Etna and in the aging cellars, experience has been added to the passion, to experience the technology, to give admirers of Sicilian wines great certainties to savor.
Etna was the first controlled designation of origin to obtain the
recognition of the designation of origin, the Doc Etna, in fact, was
recognized with DPR of 11.08.1968 published in the Official Gazette of 25.09.1968.
Furthermore, the disciplinary has remained intact since the year of its drafting, maintaining
unchanged the forecast of the indigenous vines of the volcano, for production
Etna doc in its types Red, Rosé, White and Superior White.
The production area of the designation of origin covers part of the territory
of the municipalities of Aci, Sant’Antonio, Acireale, Belpasso, Biancavilla, Castiglione di
Sicily, Giarre, Linguaglossa, Mascali, Milo, Nicolosi, Paternò, Pedara, Piedimonte
Etneo, Randazzo, Sant’Alfio, Santa Maria di Licodia, Santa Venerina, Trecastagni,
Viagrande and Zafferana Etnea, on the slopes of Etna, in the province of Catania.
Via Castiglione, 49
95012 Passopisciaro (CT), Italy
Tel. +39 0942 983232
Fax. +39 0942 983218
Email : info@antichivinai.it |
ONLINE SHOPPING: sebastian@antichivinai.it
INFO IN NIGERIA: Romano Pisciotti, mail to italmotor@gmail.com