Antichi Vinai (Ancient Vintners)

Land of Fire: Divine forces flowing to the sea in crystal rivers between lava rocks and deep lakes, invisible to mortals and to the envious Moon; theatre of magnificence for the Deities that reign the Earth, battlefield for the splendour of the God who rules the waves: infinite clash for the power of beauty.

Terra del fuoco: Divine forze scorrono al mare in fiumi di cristallo tra rocce di lava e laghi profondi, invisibili ai mortali e alla Luna invidiosa; teatro della magnificenza per le Divinità che regnano la Terra, campo di battaglia per lo splendore del Dio che regna le onde: infinita battaglia per il potere della bellezza.

Romano Pisciotti



The slopes of Etna are home to some of the most particular vineyards in Europe.

The altitude, the Mediterranean exposures and the great thermal excursions, thanks to the volcanic soils, give the wines unique characteristics.

From Randazzo to Biancavilla, passing through Piedimonte Etneo and Milo, at an altitude ranging from 400 to just over 1000 meters, the production area of ​​the Etna Doc wines of Antichi Vinai extends.


“Antichi Vinai” wines are born from the secrets and passion for the vine.


For five generations the Gangemi family has been dedicated to viticulture and to the enhancement of Sicilian indigenous vines, especially Etna.


In one hundred years of work in the vineyards on the slopes of Etna and in the aging cellars, experience has been added to the passion, to experience the technology, to give admirers of Sicilian wines great certainties to savor.



Etna was the first controlled designation of origin to obtain the
recognition of the designation of origin, the Doc Etna


Presented by Aurora View Resort

Fondachello di Mascali (CT) Italy




I walked on ancient colors and modern designs
in the smile of the light and in the geometric madness,
I discovered realizable emotions and dreams
in the enchantment of new and possible fairy tales.

Ho camminato su colori antichi e disegni moderni
nel sorriso della luce e nella geometrica follia,
ho scoperto emozioni e sogni realizzabili
nell’incanto di favole nuove e possibili.

Romano Pisciotti

Arredil Art 

per costruire, rinnovare, decorare e arredare

to build, renovate, decorate and furnish


Corso Italia, 254

95014 Giarre (CT)

Sicily – ITALY

(+39) 3779727162 –  (Lia Gangemi) WhatsApp




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La bellezza

Il concetto di bellezza è soggettivo, ma è allo stesso tempo legato a dei canoni dettati dalla nostra cultura. Quando si parla di bellezza in senso estetico, ogni popolazione ha delle regole diverse. Secondo alcuni filosofi la bellezza è ovunque, per altri non esiste.

The concept of beauty is subjective, but at the same time it is linked to the canons dictated by our culture. When talking about beauty in an aesthetic sense, each population has different rules. According to some philosophers, beauty is everywhere, for others it does not exist.

Romano Pisciotti: Like



Healthy lifestyle

Choosing organic food bears fruit: those who eat organic can see the risk of a diagnosis of cancer even down by 25%, at least according to a study carried out by the French institute Inra (National Institute for Agronomic Research) and published on ‘Jama Internal Medicine’ .

The survey, carried out on 70,000 people followed for seven years through questionnaires, has shown a statistical link between the consumption of this type of products and a lower risk of cancer. For the researchers to explain the result could be the role of pesticides but also a greater propensity for a healthy lifestyle among organic consumers.

According to the data, taken into account the various factors associated with cancer risk, large organic consumers have a fourth chance of being diagnosed with cancer compared to those who consume less. This means that in the ‘residual’ consumers of bio there are 6 more cases of cancer every 1000 people. The greatest reductions are recorded for breast cancer in menopausal women and lymphomas. The French researchers point out that further studies are needed to confirm the results, but that the invitation to use organic food could prove to be a good prevention strategy.

Scegliere alimenti biologici dà i suoi frutti: chi mangia bio può vedere scendere rischio di diagnosi di tumore anche del 25%, almeno secondo uno studio realizzato dall’istituto francese Inra (Istituto nazionale per la ricerca agronomica) e pubblicato su ‘Jama Internal Medicine’.

L’indagine, realizzata su 70.000 persone seguite per sette anni attraverso dei questionari, ha evidenziato un legame statistico tra il consumo di questo tipo di prodotti e un minor rischio di tumori. Per il ricercatori a spiegare il risultato potrebbe essere il ruolo dei pesticidi ma anche una maggiore propensione ad uno stile di vita sano tra i consumatori bio.

Secondo i dati, rilevati tenendo conto dei diversi fattori associati al rischio tumorale, i grandi consumatori di biologico hanno un quarto delle possibilità di vedersi diagnosticare un cancro rispetto a chi ne consuma di meno. Ciò vuol dire che nei consumatori ‘residuali’ di bio si registrano 6 casi di tumore in più ogni 1000 persone. Le riduzioni maggiori si registrano per cancro al seno nelle donne in menopausa e nei linfomi. I ricercatori francesi sottolineano che sono necessari ulteriori studi per una conferma dei risultati, ma che l’invito al consumo di alimenti biologici potrebbe rivelarsi una buona strategia di prevenzione.

Romano Pisciotti: LIKE

Aurora View Resort supports organic farming initiatives in Sicily

Aurora View Resort sostiene iniziative di coltura biologica in Sicilia


David di Michelangelo


La pietra nelle vene e il cuore aperto agli spazi dell’anima, ai sentimenti e ai pensieri: il segreto del marmo rivelato dalla mano dell’artista.

Bellezza e armonia di passi mai mossi e combattimenti immobili, il peccato d’essere di sasso e il miracolo di una vita eterna.

Romano Pisciotti



(The stone in the veins and the heart open to the spaces of the soul, to feelings and thoughts: the secret of marble revealed by the artist’s hand.

Beauty and harmony of steps never moved and fights, the sin of being of stone and the miracle of an eternal life.)

Il David è una delle sculture più note al mondo oltre ad essere una delle opere più rappresentative del Rinascimento. La scultura, che rappresenta il Re David prima della battaglia contro Golia, misura 4,10 metri e pesa 5,5 tonnellate. Scolpita in un blocco di marmo di Carrara, fu realizzata tra il 1501 e il 1504. Oggi è una delle principali attrazioni di Firenze.

The David is one of the most famous sculptures in the world as well as being one of the most representative works of the Renaissance. The sculpture, which represents King David before the battle against Goliath, measures 4.10 meters and weighs 5.5 tons. Sculpted in a block of Carrara marble, it was built between 1501 and 1504. Today it is one of the main attractions of Florence.

Visit Sicily: Aurora View Resort

I colori dell’acqua // The colors of the water



Immersione nei mari della Sicilia

Immersion in the seas of Sicily






Images taken in the waters of Favignana Island, Egadi archipelago, Sicily



Thanks to them
Immersione 6


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INFO Sicily tour:

Aurora View Resort






“To travel is to live”

It is a quote that motivate me a lot. It motivates me to always look forward to my next travel. It gives me the pleasure and energy to work harder between my vacations.

When having a vacation I enjoy:

  • The sun and beach. Relaxing at the most beautiful beaches in the world. The sun and beach for me is the same as an Iphone charger.
  • New cultures. Meeting new cultures and people is a great way to travel. I love to find the small restaurants and bars where locals catch-up on their everyday life. I love to have small interesting discussions and talks with the locals.
  • History of monuments, churhes, buildings and attractions are for me another way to experience other countries.
  • Running through the city day and night is fantastic way to be active. One of my favourite cities to run through is New York when it is evening near Hudson River. You will discover a wonderful view over the river with the skyline in the background.
  • Friends and family. Discover countries, cultures, history and more gives me and nearest friends some life experiences.
  • Shopping design, unique and limited things which I am not able to buy at home is something I think very interesting.


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